Friday, April 24, 2015


Patrick and I were listening to Final Fight. We totally fell in love when we first started listening. We (especially Patrick) knew almost everyone singing and preaching. One group I went to college with and Patrick's home church sings on here too. Two missionaries sent from his church read Scripture. It's just cool! But with a small radio station came....
them always singing the exact same things (and to be honest: some people can't sing) and it just became to much to our musical ears.
So I searched for another online Christian Radio and we really enjoy: Wonderful Grace Radio on Live365.
Actually we've not been watching ANY movies during the week. We watch our weekly shows on the weekend. A fun oldie Patrick introduced me too recently is the Adventures of Superman from 1952. Great Storyline, just 20 minute long....but boy has acting changed since then!
No books! I need to get better at this! With the no TV rule I've been working on doing my daily household chore & wasting time on to get back to reading.
Working on:
Getting back into blogging....for real.
Turtleneck to doily shirt.....will blog about it soon.
The last 9 weeks of school....will I get everything done? #firstyearteacherproblems
And what to do for our one year anniversary? Paris? City in Germany? How long?
Cursive.....I cannot wait for us to write everything cursive. I am sooooo much better at cursive than "normal" letters.
Future plans: Blog post ideas....will I ever make this blog a business? How to schedule my time better? How long will I end up teaching? Will we ever buy a home? So many things.
The beautiful warm spring days.....and all the colorful trees that come with it. And the adorable birds I am seeing busily being twitterpated and happy.
Nothing.....I can think of some little things.....and a few things that would nice to have.....but I really do not NEED anything. God is good.

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